Take Your Branding To The Next Level with QR Code Shapes

Discover how unique QR Code shapes can transform your marketing campaigns

Whether you prefer squares with rounded corners, custom designs, or other creative shapes, our tools make it easy to stand out while ensuring optimal scanning performance. Explore the possibilities and give your QR Codes a distinctive edge that captures attention and enhances engagement.

QR Code Shapes

Can QR codes be different shapes?

When you create QR codes, the goal is to make something functional and visually appealing. This helps you attract more scans, and a uniquely shaped QR Code is often seen as a shortcut to achieve this goal.

Custom QR Codes need to be a proportional square to be scanned effectively.  Custom-shaped QR codes aren't as functional as you might expect. Circle QR codes, for example, are unique but aren't easily scanned by all mobile devices. That's why most reputable QR Code Generators, including ours, don't offer this option when generating a code.

Check our QR Code Design guidelines.

Can QR codes be different shapes?

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

Benefits of custom QR Code shapes

A custom shape or element of your QR Code's shape can be beneficial for many reasons. Let's explore some of these in more detail.

Boost brand recognition

Boost brand recognition

Your company logo is the cornerstone of brand resonance and with our QR Code Generator, you can add yours to any of the codes you make.

You can also include custom shapes in the code design to reflect your brand, with curves on QR Code eyes mirroring curves in your logo or brand font, for example.

Increase user engagement

Increase user engagement

Marketing campaigns are fueled by engagement and with the right custom shapes, you can stand out from your competition and attract more attention for your digital content.

From a key landing page to your favorite social media platform, video content, and more, you can improve brand recall and engagement by adding shapes to your code design.

Stand out from the crowd

Stand out from the crowd

Standing out is about creating a visually appealing brand identity that sets you apart from others in your industry.

QR codes are a great way to achieve this and when you utilize custom QR Code shapes, you can take brand recognition to the next level. You can also utilize unique color combinations for your QR Code to help it stand out and attract more scans.

Connect physical to digital

Connect physical to digital

Combining the worlds of physical and digital marketing can be a challenge for businesses in many industries.

However, by using unique QR Code shapes and altering visual aspects that other companies don't, you can help your code attract more scans from physical locations like flyers, business cards, and more.

Show how modern your business is

Show how modern your business is

Consumers are becoming more tech-savvy and seek out technology that simplifies their purchasing journey.

A uniquely shaped QR Code can show that you understand technologies and how they can positively impact your consumers, which reflects well on your brand and encourages more people to trust you.

Access important analytics

Access important analytics

Analytics are fundamental for marketing and with a Dynamic QR Code, you can access helpful statistics about your customers and codes.

This can include anything, such as the time of the scan, the date, and even the device used, all of which can be used to improve future campaigns.

Learn how to track QR Code scans.

Examples of QR Code shapes

Instead of generating circular QR codes, rectangles, or other shapes, there are ways to create uniquely shaped designs with our QR Code Generator. Let's explore some of these in detail.

QR Code frames

QR Code frames

QR codes need to be square, but you can use frames to create the illusion of a new shape while sticking to this important rule. To do it, just generate your QR Code and place it within a differently shaped frame. The result will be a fully functional code that looks like a different shape to the naked eye but can still be scanned by readers.

Social media platforms

QR codes with text

A CTA (call to action) can not only increase user engagement and scans for your code but can help you achieve a uniquely shaped QR Code, too. Simply add your CTA with enough space for the QR Code to be read and you can experiment with external banners and shapes without compromising scanning apps' ability to scan it.

QR Code's eyes

Slightly reshape the edges of your QR Code's eyes

To create a unique QR Code shape, you can reshape your edges or the "eyes" of your code design. These are the squares in the corners of your QR Code, and you can add slightly rounded edges to them without compromising usability. Don't deviate too much and alter the eyes themselves, however, or readability may be compromised and your campaign may be ruined.

QR Code size options

Experiment with QR Code size options

When you customize QR codes, you can alter the shape of your finished file download. You can go pretty much as large as you like, but ensure it sits correctly with other design elements either online or on physical materials. The minimum size requirement for scanning is 2x2cm, too, so never go smaller than this.

How do you turn a QR Code into a shape?

Turning a QR Code into a shape is simple with our QR Code Generator. Let's see how it's done.

Design Step One

Step 1

From the QR Code generator dashboard, select your QR Code type and enter the required details. For a URL QR code, paste the link into the 'URL' field. For other types, you can upload images, documents, or files as needed.

Design Step Two

Step 2

Next, personalize your QR Code by selecting different shapes using the customization options available such as patterns, frames, and corners.Adjust these elements to create a unique QR Code that effectively represents your brand or message.

Design Step Three

Step 3

Before downloading your QR Code, make sure to test it for scanning accuracy. Use the 'Download QR' button and select the desired file format, such as PNG or JPG, depending on your needs. This allows you to save the QR Code to your device for use in print or digital formats.


Consider using unique shapes for your QR codes, such as squares with rounded corners or custom designs, to make them stand out and attract more attention. Ensure that the shape does not compromise the QR code's functionality and scanning ability by testing it thoroughly before use.

Best practices for QR Code shapes

QR Code shapes are a novel way to promote your brand but you need to get them right. Here are some of our top tips for making the most of yours:

Consider file formats

The SVG format is the best file to use when you download your QR Code. With a high-quality finish and no pixelation, your customers will never have difficulties accessing the website URL or info in your code. This reflects well on your business because your code will function properly and look the part.

Consider file formats

Keep your QR Code shapes square

A circle QR Code (or circular QR Code) will be difficult to scan, so generate a square QR Code instead. The illusion of round QR Codes can be achieved with the right frame while keeping it square and scannable by mobile phone cameras and QR readers.

Keep your QR Code shapes square

Avoid inverted QR codes

As well as avoiding QR Code circular options, you should also avoid inverted QR Code designs. In this case, inverted means replacing the traditionally black areas of a QR Code with white, and vice versa.

This might look unique and help your QR Code stand out, but unfortunately, it will likely lead to difficulties for scanning apps.

Avoid inverted QR codes

Use Dynamic QR Codes

Unlike Static QR Codes, Dynamic codes offer vast versatility and various unique benefits, from access to analytics like scan location, mobile device used, and more. This makes them more popular for businesses looking to carry out larger-scale marketing campaigns with their generated QR codes.

Use Dynamic QR Codes

Contrast colors

QR Code placement is crucial, especially when adding your QR Code to posters, product packaging or other printed marketing materials. Not only should you consider design features and make sure it doesn't take up lots of space, but that the color of your code contrasts with its physical location.

Contrast colors

Be careful of the quiet zone

The quiet zone of a QR Code is the space surrounding every side of it. This separates it from design elements outside the code such as a website page or flyer. Its purpose is to help QR readers access the code's content and understand where it starts and ends.

When you create a QR Code, establish a defined quiet zone so readers can pick it up and scan it.

Be careful of the quiet zone

QR Code Generator Shapes - Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, shaped QR Codes enhance visual appeal and brand recognition while maintaining functionality. They attract more engagement by standing out and aligning with your brand's identity.

Quick Response Codes have 3 squares to provide orientation and alignment, ensuring accurate scanning from any angle. The three positioning squares help scanners quickly determine the QR code's orientation and allow for efficient and reliable data extraction.

Custom QR Code shapes are possible with the right QR Code Generator. At QR Code Fusion, you can add frames to your designs to give the impression of different shapes, without compromising on its functionality. This is the best of both worlds and helps you create codes that stand out and stand the test of time, generating more interest in your business.

The squares of a QR Code are found at the top left, bottom left, and top right, and contain a unique pattern. These help QR Code scanners pick up your code and detect it properly.

QR codes should be square-shaped for maximum effectiveness. However, you can add frames to your QR Code to give the illusion of different shapes, like rectangles and circles. This helps you achieve more from your design and attract more scans.

Curved edges aren't advised for your QR Code shape because they can compromise their scannability. However, you can curve the edges of your QR Code eyes, which are the squares in the corners of your code.

Traditionally, QR codes comprise black squares on a white background, with finder patterns, alignment patterns, and timing patterns, which help the code get picked up by scanners and read accurately. With our QR Code Generator, you can change the colors and certain QR Code shape elements, too, without compromising functionality or error correction.

While your QR Code shapes should always be square, you can add circle-shaped QR Code frames to give the illusion of a QR Code circular design. This helps your code stand out and gain more scans, which is the ultimate goal of any QR Code campaign.

Traditional QR codes will either be Static or Dynamic by nature. Static QR Codes are better for time-specific campaigns or those with information that will never change because they can't be altered. You'll also be limited to the number of scans a Static QR Code can receive in a month, which you should bear in mind when creating yours.

Buy a Dynamic QR Code now.

Dynamic QR Codes match the requirements of larger businesses that want more from their marketing efforts and can reach more people. With analytics such as scan time, location, the device used, and more, not to mention the ability to change the URL or information inside the code at any time, it's not hard to see why Dynamic Codes are more popular.