What is a QR Code for a website?

QR Codes, introduced in the mid-90s to replace standard UPC barcodes, have evolved into powerful tools for diverse applications. QR Codes, short for 'quick response codes,' have surpassed traditional barcodes globally due to their enhanced capabilities and user-friendly nature. They're also easier to use and can be scanned by any mobile device that has a camera. This means that there's no need for a QR Code reader or expensive physical hardware.

Including free business QR codes on your website not only adds sophistication to your digital strategy but also ensures user-friendly access. These versatile codes serve as effective tools for promoting apps, boosting social media presence, and offering exclusive discounts. Their simplicity shines through – with just a quick scan using a smartphone, users can easily unlock a world of information and engagement.

The seamless linking of QR codes to your website from different marketing materials establishes a smooth connection between the physical and digital worlds, expanding brand visibility and providing an interactive experience for your audience. You can also link QR codes to your website from a flyer or any other real-life marketing material, which helps you cross-promote your brand across the physical and digital worlds.

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

How to make a QR Code for a website in three easy steps

Thanks to our QR Code Generator, we make the process of creating a custom QR Code extremely simple. In fact, you can generate QR Code links in a matter of minutes by following the steps below.


Add your Details

Add your Details: To create your QR Code, you’ll need a URL or any digital destination you want your QR code to send users to. Each QR Code type requires different information, but you can fill in the fields simply and quickly with QR Code Fusion.

Step 2

Customize your Design

Customize your Design: Customize your design by selecting a frame, choosing a color and adding your company logo. This helps to make your QR Code your own and more likely to be scanned.

Step 3

The QR reader uses the http(s):// protocol prefix to identify text as a website address or URL. Don't remove or miss (http:// or https://) from the web address when you paste it into the QR Code Generator.

For example. Do Use "https://www.example.org", Don't Use "www.example.org".

6 reasons to have a QR Code for your website

Connect to digital content seamlessly

If people have to type in your app address, find your location, or search for your business with their social media accounts, they may go elsewhere.

With the simple scan of a QR Code, customers can access information in seconds, whether they have an Android device, iPhone, or any other smartphone.

No need for physical hardware

There's no need for QR Code readers, a QR Code scanner, or any expensive physical hardware with QR codes - all a person needs is a mobile phone.

This applies whether your generated QR Code is static or dynamic, and it means you can easily attract multitudes of people with each code you create.

Enhance brand engagement

When you generate QR codes for your website, you promote customer interaction with your business, as well as brand awareness.

Incentivizing scans of your code can also boost visitors to your social media accounts, video content, and more, and it gives you the chance to connect to your audience across multiple platforms and fosters brand loyalty.

Add a new dimension to product packaging

When you print QR codes for product packaging, you can showcase your website at a time when customers are using your product.

This increases the chances of positive interactions with your brand, which may be through recommendations, social media engagement, or making an online purchase.

Provide additional information

Your website is the hub of your brand. That's why it's a great idea to include product information that users can access with your QR Code.

From food ingredients to manufacturing processes and more, people buy from companies they trust, and this level of transparency could enhance your brand reputation.

Advanced Analytics Suite

With an upgraded account, you’ll have access to our Analytics Suite where you can view interactions and gain insights with a QR Code on your website.

Giving you the ability to track and analyze your QR code campaign, grow your understanding, and drive improvements for next time.

Easily create Dynamic QR codes for your business

Get instant access to our custom branding, editing and evaluation features today!

How to use a QR Code for your website

Middle aged man singing on stage

Share details of an event

Have an upcoming event you want to cross-promote both online and in person? You can add QR codes to posters and engage customers when they're out and about in the real world.

Directing them to your website, specifically pages that include event details, you can create a targeted campaign in the area your event will be attended, or spots potential visitors may hang out.

This not only boosts engagement and website visitors but can help you boost the number of attendees for your event.

Mid thirties man smiling holding a phone

Collect digital feedback

Feedback is fantastic for pretty much any business. It gives you the chance to identify areas of improvement and development, so you can achieve sustainable growth. You can create QR codes that send people directly to digital feedback forms on your website.

This encourages brand loyalty and gives you beneficial information about what your customers think about your products, services, and business overall.

As well as directing customers to your website, you can use your website as a launch point to direct online visitors to your app via a QR Code. With links to the Google Play Store location of your app, or any of the other app stores, you can maximize your online presence with website banners or key landing pages, using a well-designed QR Code that links directly to your app.

You can also create a free QR Code vCard and place this on your website. Think about it, any contact you make with a company is with your phone anyway, whether it's by giving them a call or dropping a text, so why not make it as simple as possible with a QR Code vCard?

You can also give your customers a direct way to reach you with a vCard QR Code which essentially acts as a digital business card. However, unlike a business card, you know whoever is trying to contact you won’t enter your details wrong because they’re already auto-filled.

Website QR Code examples

Generating a QR Code to showcase a website has lots of uses. Let's take a look at some examples of website QR codes in action.

How to use a QR code on a website

Let's explore how you could use your generated website QR code:



A URL QR Code allows you to easily share various online content like campaign landing pages, business websites, videos, contact forms and payment pages. When scanned, it instantly opens the linked URL in the device's web browser, eliminating the need for manual typing.

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Social QR Code

Promote your wider social network by linking users to all of your social media accounts in one scan. The result? More followers, better customer retention, and the chance to keep customers informed and up to date regarding your products or services.

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Crypto QR Code

Crypto QR Code

With a Crypto QR Code, you can receive cryptocurrency payments by linking a QR Code to your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cronos or Polygon address. This enables you to receive instant payments, support safer transactions, and broaden your customer base.

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Examples of website QR codes across different industries

Here are a few examples of how a QR code on websites can be applied to everyday business operations.

QR Codes for gaming developers

Game Developers

Game developers are always coming up with innovative ways to promote their products. A popular example of this is creating a website for a mobile phone game, with a QR Code that links directly to the app store to download it.

QR Codes for consumers

Consumer Goods

Product packaging is a perfect place for QR codes and you can create codes that link your physical product to your digital presence. This helps cross-promote your brand and boosts awareness of your business, creating brand loyalty and repeat customers.

QR Codes for book publishers

Book Publishers

Authors are becoming more established on social media as the world becomes more digitized. Publishers are making the most of this by adding QR codes to their websites that link to the author's social media channels, boosting engagement for the publisher and author in one fell swoop.

QR Codes for gyms and health centres

Health Centers

Most modern gyms have their own app that features information about memberships, video content about training and exercises, and more. A popular marketing method for gyms is to encourage app downloads via a QR Code on their website.

Best practice guide for QR Codes for websites

When you create a QR Code for your website, there are certain pitfalls you want to avoid. By following our best practice guide, you can avoid these risks for your generated QR codes.

Consider your audience

Every time you create a QR Code, it'll have a different purpose. So, when you create QR codes for your website, make sure they're relevant to your target audience. Think about the prospects you're targeting before visiting a QR Code Generator website, and make sure your QR Code is fit for purpose

A QR Code image for your clients, for example, will likely be different than a QR Code for your customers, and prospects and suppliers will also have different needs. If you're simply adding links to your website home page with your QR Code, that's fine, but you should try to drill down on specific pages for different customers.

Young black man

Include a CTA (call to action)

A CTA can come in the form of instructions for your code. This might include information about where the code leads, or general instructions about how to scan a QR Code, depending on your operating system.

A CTA can also give users a reason to scan your QR Code. Entice them with a discount or incentive, or simply explain what they can gain from scanning your QR Code, and you could enjoy more clicks, more scans, and ultimately, more website engagement.

Include a CTA (call to action)

Save your designs

It's always a good idea to save your custom QR codes so you don't have to recreate them in the future. With QR Code Fusion, you can save your designs as a vector file, from SVG format to EPS formats, JPG, and PNG.

Saving them in multiple formats gives them the best chance to perform no matter the size, but they all should be high enough quality when you use our QR Code Generator.

Save your designs

Test your generated QR codes

Before you tap create to download your free QR Code, and definitely before you print your finished code, you need to run a few tests. These tests should make sure designs aren't too complicated, don't have mismatched colors, don't lack space around the QR Code, and don't have a poorly placed company logo.

It's also worth getting a second opinion before you click download or printt. If you don't, the multiple QR codes you've printed will be wasted.

Test your generated QR codes

QR Codes for websites FAQ section

To embed QR codes onto web pages, all you do is copy and paste the HTML code from your QR Code Generator. You’ll need to access the back-end of your website for this, or ask your web developer to do it for you. If you’re a Wordpress user, there are a number of plugins that make embedding a seamless process.

Free QR Code Generators offer static codes online, which are effective if you have a single-use reason for your QR code. However, a Static QR Code link can't be edited or changed.

Dynamic code links, however, can be edited as many times as you like. These are a more popular option for most businesses as you can change the website link you add to your QR Code. This makes them more versatile than Static QR Codes.

QR codes were scanned by 75.8 million Americans in 2021, a number that's increasing year on year. So the answer to this one is a resounding yes, consumers in the USA and beyond have come to accept QR codes in everyday life, so if you aren't using them for your website, you could get left behind.

When you create QR Code links, they can be accessed on tablets, computers, and mobile phones. This means you can enhance your mobile marketing efforts as well as your general brand awareness, all with one simply designed code.

Create QR codes with our QR Code Generator

QR codes are a fantastic marketing tool and can help you showcase your website from your products and other physical locations, and vice versa.

The versatility and power of QR codes are brilliant for businesses in various industries, and as leading QR Code Generators in the US, we can help you create codes that revolutionize your website.