Create a free account and explore the possibilities of our QR Code Generator.

You can also check our QR Code Generator Pricing page to find a package that suits you and your business needs.

All your data, in one place

With one centralized dashboard, our bespoke QR Code tracking tool allows you to access an extensive overview of all of your campaign data. This means you don’t have to mess around with numerous spreadsheets and different applications, instead, you can filter information, compare campaigns, and make changes that benefit you and your brand.

Incredibly intuitive and supremely powerful, you can take your business to the next level with a series of QR codes, accessing detailed analytics with minimal effort.

Measure Performance

Make data-driven decisions fast

Trackable data is the best kind of data, and we make tracking QR codes simple so you can make the most of your marketing campaigns. You can also carry out A/B and split testing so you can judge the effectiveness of all your QR codes in real time and with different variables in play. This approach provides you with valuable insights across multiple different campaigns, so you can encourage more scans in the future and optimize lead generation. With QR Code Fusion, QR Code tracking has never been simpler, and the possibilities for your campaign have never been more powerful.

Sign up for a free account to find out more
Improve conversion rates

Real-Time Insights

Data doesn’t have to be boring, and with QR Code fusion, it isn’t. With easy-to-understand, actionable information, we have in-depth graphics, lists, and appealing visuals that make even the most complex information make sense. With incredible levels of QR Code tracking data available, you can also monitor your QR codes in real-time and make improvements accordingly. This helps you make changes to data whenever you need to.

Real-time data statistics

What data can I source? Get to know your QR Code analytics dashboard

Total QR Codes

Total QR Codes

Simplified tracking allows you to efficiently manage records of all QR codes in your account, whether static or dynamic. This capability allows you to effortlessly monitor multiple campaigns in real-time, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making and optimization.

Total scans

Total scans

Easily view which Dynamic QR Codes are being used most frequently and when they are scanned, along with other valuable information. This includes details such as the operating system used, the frequency of scans per hour or day, and which website URL receives the highest performance.

Top performing QR codes

Top-performing QR Codes

See which of your QR codes are working best and tailor current and future marketing campaigns around them. With code tracking data available in abundance, you can access comprehensive analytics and deliver better results based on user behavior.

Timeline analysis

Timeline Analysis

With our detailed QR Code tracking, you can access crucial data like total unique scans across specific time ranges. The in-depth detail available in our Analytics Dashboard helps you streamline and improve marketing campaigns you're currently working on, and ones you have in the pipeline.

Daily hourly

Daily and hourly analysis

By specifying QR Code scans on a daily or even hourly basis, you can delve deep into understanding your target audience better. This enables you to learn how to reach them more effectively with your marketing efforts.

Top locations

Top locations

Using advanced tracking data, you can discover user behavior from different locations, extracting information from country to city. This makes tracking a QR Code or multiple QR codes extremely potent and helps you collect information to create even more effective campaigns.

Device analytics

Device analytics

With insights into operating systems and various devices, our up-to-date overview empowers you to identify trends that can shape your future campaigns. All of this is accessible through our Analytics Dashboard, providing you with valuable data to optimize your marketing strategies.

Multiple campaigns, minimal fuss

With a dedicated dashboard that allows you to manage a wide number of campaigns from a single location, our QR Code Generator is here to streamline your campaigns and maximize results. Giving you the opportunity to develop future campaigns, you can see what works and what doesn’t, create multiple Dynamic QR Codes, and track data for all of them. There's no limit to the number of campaigns you can run, and you'll find them much easier to manage thanks to a centralized, user-friendly location.

Find out more about our different QR Code Prices and Packages
Content performance insights

A scalable solution for every type of business

No matter the size of your business, Dynamic QR codes can be a massive help to your organization. Helping small businesses scale up and large businesses grow even larger, we help you simplify complex and time-consuming campaigns. This allows you to identify trends, find important data, and track QR Code scans in innumerable ways to grow current and future campaigns.

Key Performance Indicators KPI's

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

Reasons QR Code tracking is worthwhile

QR Code tracking brings with it a range of benefits, and you can:

Measure efforts

Measure your efforts

By identifying what works and what doesn't with your QR Code content, you can simplify your approach and adjust accordingly. This helps your business grow by gaining a better understanding of your audience and what appeals to them.

Informed decisions

Make informed decisions

Cold, hard data is the most reliable source of insight. When you uncover what resonates with your target audience, you can craft campaigns tailored to their preferences. Tracking a QR Code you've created provides valuable information about your audience, empowering you to develop impactful campaigns based on real insights.

Realistic goals

Create realistic goals

Setting realistic goals is crucial for achieving success. With QR Code tracking, you can establish objectives based on the insights you gather, enabling you to grow your business in tangible, measurable ways.

Create brand loyalty

Build brand loyalty

Engaging campaigns resonate with your audience, encouraging positive reactions towards your brand. This enhances brand loyalty, as satisfied customers are more inclined to use your services or purchase your products repeatedly.

Google analytics

Discover how customers reach you

Detailed analytics provide insights into how individuals initially engaged with your brand, helping you understand the sources of your customer base. By leveraging Google Analytics alongside your QR Codes, you can analyse traffic and tailor marketing campaigns based on your findings.

Measure content

Measure which content works best

Using QR codes with various goals lets you understand what resonates with customers. Creating multiple QR codes for different purposes helps identify what works best. By tracking QR codes, you can see if customers prefer loyalty programs, discounts, video content, or social media content.

What's a Dynamic QR Code and why do I need one?

A Dynamic QR Code is more versatile than a Static QR Code. For starters, you can update the link of Dynamic QR Codes as often as you like, without redesigning your code. This isn’t the case for Static QR Codes, where the information you link to is set-in-stone and cannot be changed.

Creating a Dynamic QR Code also offers the benefit of tracking its usage, which allows you to access detailed analytics regarding your QR Code campaign. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses aiming to gain detailed insights into their target audience. By analyzing the data extracted from the QR Code scans, you can refine and tailor your future marketing campaigns effectively, ensuring better engagement and conversion rates.

URL click-through rate

How to make improvements from key metrics

Tracking QR codes can bring about massive changes to your business. Let's explore some of the benefits of a QR Code campaign and the improvements you can make from key metrics.

Boost social media campaigns

Boost social media campaigns 

By comparing the number of total scans of QR codes on print ads vs the number of likes and interactions on your social media page, you can learn about what works and what doesn't when it comes to your customers. You can then use this to hone in on your perfect campaign medium and create content your users connect with.

Social media platforms

Find out which social media platform works for you

You can prioritize content for social media platforms based on QR Code scans versus platform likes. This allows you to focus on pages that receive more engagement, helping you optimize your social media landing pages effectively.

Print ads

Maximize your print ads

Musicians and artists often work with low budgets, but you can analyze the number of scans per location to see where is worth the effort of print marketing campaigns. This helps not only with the amount of posters or printed materials you buy but where it's worth touring or taking your art.

Pre sales

Boost pre-sales with a video marketing campaign

By measuring the number of scans on a promotional video for a product, you can uncover information such as pre-orders, views, and general interest. The total scans received will give you a great idea of how popular a product is, and the detailed analytics you can access helps you target similar customers in the future.

How to track QR Codes with Google Analytics

QR Code tracking is incredibly simple with Dynamic QR Codes. While Static QR Codes typically aren't linked with tracking, there are still many possibilities available.

With a Google Analytics account, you can link the destination URL or landing page used for your Static QR Codes and discover more about website traffic to that link. By accessing information in your Google Analytics dashboard, you can even create Google Ads around the success of your QR code. However, while it’s possible to access Google Analytics with a Static QR Code, tracking is much more effective when using a Dynamic QR Code.

QR Code Analytics FAQs

Dynamic QR Codes and Static QR Codes have specific limitations based on the plan you choose. For more details, please refer to our pricing page. Additionally, Dynamic QR Codes offer a broader range of tracking options compared to Static QR Codes. In fact, tracking Static QR Codes is not possible at all, rendering tracking impossible. This leads us to the next FAQ.

Static QR codes lack tracking capabilities and cannot be edited once created. In contrast, Dynamic QR codes offer extensive tracking options, particularly with QR Code Fusion.

Unlike Static QR codes, Dynamic QR codes provide detailed insights into their content, simplifying tracking processes. This feature is immensely beneficial for businesses of all scales, allowing them to gain deeper understanding and optimize their QR code campaigns effectively.

Google Analytics is particularly interesting because not only can you access user behavior for Dynamic QR codes, but you can also access data from Static QR Codes. To track QR Code scans with Google Analytics, you first need to create a campaign URL with UTM parameters to track the traffic. Once created, shorten the URL for simplicity and generate the QR Code using the shortened URL. Place the QR Code on various marketing materials. As users scan the QR Code and visit the designated URL, Google Analytics will track the traffic. You can then monitor the traffic in Google Analytics and analyze the data to assess the effectiveness of your QR Code campaign in driving traffic to your website or landing page.

A/B testing compares the performance of two versions of a piece of content to measure which one performs better. To determine which is best, you analyze how many more visitors one attracted and how many positive outcomes were derived as a result. A stands for a control version and B stands for a variant version, and you can assess which is most successful based on the outcome.
Our QR Code tracker offers the capability to carry out A/B testing on your QR codes, so you can create rich, engaging content, tailor-made for your audience.

Split testing involves randomly assigning website users to different pieces of campaign content and tracking their activity. Our QR Code tracker enables you to carry out a range of split testing for your QR codes, which leads to higher-quality analytics for your campaigns.

QR Code tracking can get complicated if you don’t keep on top of it. This isn’t a problem with our trackable QR Codes, however, as you can reset your QR Code analytics whenever you like, starting fresh for a new marketing campaign.

Using our Analytics Dashboard, you can access analytics in incredible detail. You can also download tracking reports that provide you with crucial information about user scans such as location, device used, specific date and time, and much, much more.
Think of us as your one-stop QR Code tracker and generator, here to help you maximize your business output with intelligent, simple-to-use tech.

A QR Code Generator is a digital platform that allows you to create QR codes. By linking specific web pages, apps, or any other data source or digital content to your QR Code, you can direct customers to particular website addresses that serve your business.
There are lots of opportunities to boost brand engagement, encourage customer loyalty, and grow your brand with QR codes, and QR Code Fusion is one of the top QR Code Generators available today.
Find out more about QR Code Generator and sign up for a free account.