What is a URL QR Code?

Link/URL icon Website displayed on a mobile phone

A URL QR Code is like a digital shortcut to online content. When scanned with a smartphone, it takes the user directly to a website or digital location.

This seamless process eliminates the need for manual typing or searching, providing users with quick and direct access to the intended digital content.

Using QR codes for links can make your business stand out and increase website traffic. Whether it's a promotional website, an online store, or any other web resource, a QR Code effortlessly connects users to the desired online destination with a simple scan. It's a modern and intelligent way to connect with customers.

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

How to make a QR Code for a URL

Using our QR Code generator, you can create a QR Code URL link for free in just a few clicks. Follow these three simple steps:


Add your Details

To create your QR Code, you’ll need a URL or any digital destination you want your QR code to send users to. Go to the destination URL you'd like to create a custom QR Code for, and copy the web address from your browser. Paste the address into the URL field and your QR code and link will be connected.

Step 2

Customize your Design

Customize your design by selecting a frame, choosing a color and adding your company logo. To bring your QR Code to life, you can customize it in line with your brand identity. From different frame styles to colors that match your branding, you can even include your company logo to add authority to your code and encourage more scans.

Step 3

The QR reader uses the http(s):// protocol prefix to identify text as a website address or URL. Don't remove or miss (http:// or https://) from the web address when you paste it into the QR Code Generator.

For example. Do Use "https://www.example.org", Don't Use "www.example.org".

Try it out, and build your QR code!

Would you like to schedule this QR code?

Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg, .webp, .bmp



  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .pdf

Why should I make a QR Code for a URL? 6 benefits.

Your website is the face of your business, and web pages can hold massive amounts of information for your customers to access. Creating a QR Code for a URL offers a convenient and efficient way to share web links.

Extends Customer Journey

Extends Customer Journey

By utilizing a QR Code link, you seamlessly transition a mere glance into the next phase of the customer journey.

Whether it leads to your online store, a particular webpage, or a video of a product demo, a QR Code with a compelling CTA can effortlessly convert offline interest into online engagement.

A better user experience

A better user experience

In business, how you deliver your offerings is just as important as what you provide. Utilizing a QR Code is both straightforward and intuitive for today's tech-savvy customers, fostering an enhanced user experience.

Moreover, it's equally user-friendly for those less tech-inclined, as virtually everyone knows how to operate their camera app.

No expensive hardware

No expensive hardware

Most Americans have a smartphone, which means they have a QR Code scanner in their pockets at all times.

As a result, they can use QR codes to access your web content or make payments, which isn’t the case for standard barcodes that require expensive, physical scanners, making them cumbersome and problematic.

Achieve a higher ROI

Achieve a higher ROI

By generating leads and encouraging online transactions, your website is a powerful business asset, but only if it’s used to its full capacity.

A QR Code is an effective way to promote your website, using our QR Code generator, you can create QR codes for no cost and boost your marketing capabilities instantly.

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR Codes

Change is an inevitable part of any business, so keep up-to-date and error-free with a Dynamic QR Code link.

There’s no need to redesign or print your QR code link every time something changes - simply update the link and your existing QR Code will automatically update.

Advanced Analytics Suite

Advanced Analytics Suite

With an upgraded account, our Analytics Suite enables you to view interactions with the QR Code link you've generated.

Tracking the performance of your QR Code provides valuable data on scan rates, user demographics, and other metrics, helping you optimize your campaigns for better results.

Easily create Dynamic QR codes for your business

Get instant access to our custom branding, editing and evaluation features today!

How to use your URL QR code

A QR Code link is versatile and works for any business, big or small. It helps share information like company history, product details, contact information, case studies, or even a YouTube video. It's a handy tool for engaging with your audience effortlessly.

Featured placements for a URL QR code

Let's explore where you could promote your generated URL QR code:

Billboard on side of lorry


QR codes on websites serve various functions, such as promoting loyalty program signups and providing discounts.

They can also link to video content, social media pages, and business apps, enhancing user engagement and interaction.

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Man holding business card

Business Cards

Including a QR Code on your business card allows contacts to easily scan and save your contact details directly to their phone.

You can also share more details at networking events which makes a strong impression and sparks curiosity about you and your brand.

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Clothing pacakged with mobile phone being held

Product Packaging

Packaging is integral to your brand, but to be effective, it needs to be simple and clear.

By using a packaging QR Code, potential buyers can access more information about you, your brand, and your products without impacting design.

Read more  

Businesses benefiting from URL QR Codes

Here are a few examples of how a URL QR code can be applied to everyday business operations:

QR Codes for ecommerce websites


Use a QR Code to share product or service updates, pricing and ordering information, contact information, and more. This provides transparency and answers customer questions, which could encourage purchases.

QR Codes for education facilities


Print a QR Code on brochures and flyers directing prospective students to your website URL to provide information about your institution.

QR Codes for events

Event management

Generate a QR Code on posters to link users to a sign-up page for your event. Doing so can target a physical demographic and encourage cross-promotion over different platforms.

QR Codes for non-profits


Nonprofit organizations can direct users to a donation page or "About Us" page. This can boost trust in the charity which in turn, can encourage donations and support.

What's best: Dynamic vs Static QR Codes?

Static QR Codes work well for one-time, personal use or when you're certain the page you're linking to is never going to change. You can also create a Static QR Code with a free account. For peace of mind, however, and more flexibility, Dynamic QR Codes are a better option.

Static website address showing on a hand held device

Static QR Code

A Static URL QR Code can’t be changed after it’s been created. This means that if the address of a web page alters after you’ve generated your QR Code, or you decide to link to a different website or landing page, the original QR Code won’t accept the change. The solution here would be to generate a new QR Code that directs users to the new web address.

Key Points:

  •  The embedded URL destination cannot be changed
  •  Denser patterns (long URL's) can be hard to read at times

Learn more about Static QR codes.

Dynamic website addresses showing on a hand held device

Dynamic QR Code

Dynamic URL QR codes work in a way that supports updates and amendments. This is because they don’t hold the data relating to the transaction within the code itself. A Dynamic QR Code contains a URL that redirects the machine reader to a second URL that can be changed on demand, even after a code is printed.

Key Points:

  •  Edit your URL destination at anytime
  •  Sparser patterns (smaller URL's) are easier to read

Learn more about Dynamic QR codes.

Five top tips: how to boost the power of your URL QR Code

Five business individuals working as part of the team

1. Target, target, target

Before you create your QR Code, think about your target audience and the content you want to promote. To be effective, the two should sync up.

For example, you can make it easier for existing customers to pay for products by using a QR Code that links directly to a payment page on your website. Alternatively, if you want to attract new business, you can use a QR Code that links to a gallery of your work, your services page, or a testimonials page location.

Once you've chosen the content, think about where you want to showcase your QR Code on marketing materials.

If you're attending a networking event, try publishing generated QR codes on flyers or QR codes for business cards. To provide more information about a product, display the QR Code on price tags of product packaging. Looking for a permanent promotion? A QR Code on a poster is a strong option.

Five co-workers with a white board and computers

2. Follow-up

Given how easy it is to generate a QR Code, it's tempting to set one up and forget about it. However, if you do this, you're missing an opportunity to improve QR Code campaigns in the future.

Each Dynamic QR Code comes with its own set of metrics, so you can track and evaluate data associated with each scan. This includes where each scan took place, the time of the scan, and the mobile device used to carry it out.

The key is to deliver a seamless user experience with every scan, so make sure the code is as attractive and intuitive as possible. You can make simple tweaks to your QR Code to achieve this, but they're only possible after carrying out testing.

All of these testing examples can be incredibly useful and help you target future campaigns more effectively.

Help people understand why they should scan your QR Code by providing a clear call to action (CTA). This should be a simple and short explanation of what they can gain or learn by opening up your weblink.

A well-crafted CTA can boost your conversion rate and increase the power of your QR Code substantially. "Find out more", "Get a discount code" or "See samples of work" are great examples of simple, effective CTAs.

By using a different color, your company logo, or a unique frame, you can create a memorable and appealing custom QR Code. Whether you match your branding color palette or go for something completely different, personalizing your QR Code can increase engagement across the board.

However, it's important to provide enough color contrast between the code and background for the QR Code reader to activate the scan. When it comes to the size of your QR Code, stay in proportion with the content around it and the size of the material it's printed on.

Before you print or publish your QR Code, you should carry out a series of checks that cover the following:


Make sure your QR Code works as it should with a QR Code scanner, i.e. a mobile device. Factors that may impact a QR Code reader include:

  • A lack of color contrast between code and location
  • A large number of encoded characters
  • Complicated custom design elements
  • Poorly placed logo
  • A lack of space around the QR Code.


Does the QR Code work for every operating system? Use different mobile devices, from an iPhone to an Android device, making sure scanning is possible for every mobile phone.


Does the QR Code open up the right web page, and is the content on that web page accurate? This is particularly important if you're using Static QR Codes because you can't correct an error after it's been created.


A QR Code generator website is a platform anyone can access to create QR code URL links online. With QR Code Fusion, all you need to do to generate custom QR codes is set up a free account.

With an upgraded account, you can create Dynamic QR Codes that have the potential to be tracked, updated and edited after they've been generated.

Unlike Static Codes, you can add as many links as you like to Dynamic Codes. You can update your destination URL as many times as needed, which helps if your URL will change frequently and you want to avoid additional costs of re-printing packaging, menus, or products.