How to use QR codes

How to use QR codes

QR codes are popular tools for businesses looking to take their marketing campaigns to the next level. However, because they're so easy to use, there are more and more individuals using QR codes for personal reasons.

We'll explain how to create QR codes and how to use them for business and personal use. From how they work to how to scan a QR Code, and more, we'll help you understand the technology and the best ways to make the most of it.

What is a QR Code used for? Businesses vs individuals

There are lots of ways to use QR Code technology whether you're a business owner or an individual. Let's explore some of these in detail.

Generate leads for your company

You can generate leads as a marketing business and engage customers incredibly well on print ads or your digital platforms. Perfect for linking to a web page or key landing page, digital marketing, and lead generation, are within reach with the right QR Code.

You can also take contact details or deliver customer satisfaction surveys with a QR Code to help you target the right customers and clients in the future.

Take payments

Businesses in the hospitality industry are finding more and more QR Code uses for several reasons. From QR Code menus to taking mobile payments, you can provide customers with ways to pay their bills quickly and efficiently. This approach also eases the burden on your staff and helps you supercharge efficiency.

Boost your marketing campaigns

Marketing professionals love data, and with a Dynamic QR Code, you can track who's scanned your code, when they did it, and from which device. This is incredibly helpful information as a marketer and can help take your campaign to new heights.


There are lots of creative ways to use a QR Code as an individual with no interest or need to create a marketing campaign. Jobseekers are a great example of this and adding a QR Code to a business card, for example, is a sure-fire way to stick in the mind of potential employers.

Share your wifi details

People scan QR codes all the time so they'll be pleased to learn a quick way to get online when they're at your home. Ideal for dinner guests, kids' sleepovers, and even tradesmen carrying out work in your house, a WiFi QR Code helps you encourage connections with visitors.

Share your artwork

It's incredibly easy to use QR codes and as an artist, QR codes are a fantastic tool to help you stand out from the crowd. In a competitive marketplace, you can sell your work online through a QR Code on a poster or your website which boosts interest in your art and helps you sell more.

How to create a QR Code

Making a QR Code is simple, but the effects might just blow your mind. Let’s break down the process in three simple steps.

Create a QR Code step one

Step 1

First, select 'Create QR Code' which will take you to the page above. Then, choose your preferred QR Code type.

Create QR Code step 2

Step 2

In the "URL" field, paste the link from the address bar or app you're linking to. You can also upload images, documents, and other files if you’re using different QR types, as you can see above.

Create a QR Code step 3

Step 3

Before you hit the download button, customize your QR Code with different colors, sizes, frames, and even your company logo. This helps it stand out and gives it more chance of being scanned.

How to scan a QR Code

Scanning a QR Code is incredibly simple if you have a smartphone. Whether Android or iPhone, all you need to do is open your camera app and point it at the QR Code you want to scan. When you do, a link or text will appear on your screen and you simply need to click it to access the data.

It really is that simple!

QR Code ideas and top tips

Test your code before you download

Every QR Code created needs to be tested before it's generated. Failing to test your code properly may result in a lack of accessibility and a failed QR Code campaign. So, run some tests on your code before you download it, and make sure it can be scanned by multiple devices.

Add a call to action

A call to action (CTA) is a tried and trusted way to encourage more scans of your code. Something as simple as "Click here for a discount" is sufficient and you can boost engagement between your target audience and your code content.

Customize your QR Code

Customization can elevate your QR Code and help you stand out in a competitive digital marketplace. From different colors to unique frames, sizes, and more, we offer vast customization for your QR Code designs so you can maximize interactions and attract more eyes to your code.

Use a reputable QR Code Generator

Some QR Code Generators are rife with issues. Some even allow codes to expire, for example, and links can be replaced with spam which can make your initially helpful code a malicious QR Code, instead. If associated with your brand, it could lead to issues with trust and customer loyalty.

As one of the best QR Code Generators available, we ensure that QR codes are safe and won't expire. Static QR Codes and those created on a free trial are subject to scan limits, however, but you can find out about each of our QR Code plans at our QR Code pricing page.

Benefits of QR Codes

Incredible versatility

The perfect way to deliver online experiences to an offline world, QR codes are versatile, to say the least. Providing instant access to social media pages, videos, websites, or any other digital content, you can connect more people to your content than ever before.

Thanks to a seamless, contactless experience, QR codes are perfect for businesses and individuals alike who have something to share online.

Simplicity and safety

QR Code technology is advanced but incredibly easy to use. This is the hallmark of any good technology and is one of the major reasons for the increased use of QR codes in the United States and beyond. From sharing Google Maps links to your taking payments, and more, QR codes are secure and don't compromise user data at the point of use.

Help product packaging shine

Place QR codes onto consumer packaged goods, product packaging, and other physical locations to add an interactive and fun activity to your products. Whether directing customers to a third-party app, your website, or anywhere else, you can add a unique design element to your physical products to stick in the minds of customers.

Improve engagement

Whether a physical retail store or an online alternative, QR codes are an effective marketing tool to boost engagement across the board. Being able to instantly engage with an advertisement, for example, takes it to a new level for your customers and involves them in your content much more than a standard ad or promotion.

Store lots of data cells

Unlike traditional barcodes, QR codes are capable of holding a lot more data. This means you have more options available when creating a QR Code, and you can offer more flexibility to whoever scans your code.

From digital locations like websites and social media platforms to contact details like emails and SMS, not to mention text-based information like discount codes and WiFi details, the possibilities are endless with QR Code technology.

Reach more people

Thanks to the widespread use of mobile devices, you can access swathes of new customers with a well-placed QR Code. With a QR reader built into every phone and therefore in the pocket of most people, more users can scan the QR Code you create and access the data you want to share.

This is the ultimate goal of anybody with digital content online, whether an individual or a business owner.

QR Code dos and don'ts

Do test your QR Code before you download

Testing is the cornerstone of success for any QR Code. To generate more scans and ensure an effective customer journey, run a series of tests on your QR Code before you commit to downloading it. Use different devices and readers to ensure it can be scanned by them all and to make sure that your link and information are correct. This will save you time and money, especially if you're printing QR codes.

Don't make your QR Code too small

Size generally doesn't matter with QR codes and you can go as large as you like. However, a code that's too small is difficult to pick up for QR Code readers, which is why the whole code should be no less than 2x2cm in size. This ensures everybody can scan the QR Code in question and that your content is accessible to all potential users.

Do utilize Dynamic QR Code technology

Dynamic QR Codes are growing in popularity and it isn't hard to see why. With access to detailed QR Code analytics, the ability to edit your QR Code link as often as you like, and larger or even no scan limits depending on your plan, try Dynamic QR Codes if you want to make a bigger impact online and in-person with your target audience.

Don't create transparent QR Codes

Customization is encouraged when designing QR codes, however, it's important that your code can be scanned by all devices and QR readers. To make this possible, ensure your code isn't transparent by design so it can be picked up properly. Failure to do so may result in poor scannability, which will have negative knock-on effects on your reputation.

Dynamic QR Codes vs Static QR Codes

Dynamic and Static QR Codes have benefits in abundance, so let's explore them in more detail to see which one works for you.

Dynamic QR Codes

A Dynamic QR Code is much more versatile than a Static QR Code and offers a range of analytics so you can track QR Code scans and learn more about your customers. This helps you identify areas of improvement for future and current campaigns.

Unlike Static QR Codes, you can also change the link of a Dynamic QR Code after it's been generated. You can't change the design, however, so make sure the code doesn't have a CTA that's very specific to the original link or information it held.

Static QR Codes

Static QR Codes are more limiting than Dynamic QR Codes and links cannot be changed once you hit download. They're also subject to scan limits, so people can only scan the QR Code a certain number of times a month.

Since the information can't be changed and there are scan limits in place, Static QR Codes are best suited for individuals who will only use the code for simple purposes. An example of this would be adding a WiFi QR Code to your home so people can scan it and get online quickly with any mobile device.

How to use QR codes - FAQs

How do I scan QR codes with my phone?

All modern mobile devices have a built-in QR Code reader. To use it, just open your camera app and point it at the QR Code in question. The QR Code communicates the information it holds and you can visit the link or access the text-based information within the code.

What are the steps to using QR codes?

You can use QR codes for multiple purposes and it's really as simple as scanning it with your camera and accessing the data it holds.

What does QR Code stand for?

QR Code stands for Quick Response Code. This represents how QR Codes work and why they were created - to focus on high-speed reading.

What is a QR Code used for in everyday life?

Providing quick access to a link or digital destination, there are lots of uses for QR codes in everyday life. Best of all, there's no need for a physical QR scanner and almost everyone can scan codes using their mobile phone.

Is it easy to create a QR Code?

Yes, it takes minutes to generate a QR Code, or many QR codes, using our QR Code Generator.

Can I scan QR codes without downloading an app?

You can download a dedicated QR Code app, but for most smartphones, you don't need to. Instead, you can use the camera app built into your phone, unless you have an Android 8 or below.

What can be coded into a QR Code?

Custom QR codes can include links to any digital destination with our free QR Code Generator. Helping you encourage more clicks to key landing pages, verify login details, or display a text-based coupon or other information, the data stored within a QR Code is vast and flexible.

What's the best QR Code app?

QR codes can be scanned by almost every mobile device, but some people prefer to use a designated QR Code app, instead. We've covered the best QR readers here so you can find out for yourself which app is best suited for your requirements.