What is a QR Code and how does it work? A simple guide

What is a QR Code and how does it work? A simple guide

A QR Code could be the answer to your digital marketing woes. Helping you reach more people and build trust in your brand, they're incredibly popular with businesses in all kinds of industries.

But what is a QR Code? And how do you make the most of them? In this guide, we'll explore the answers to these questions and more, helping you understand the power of QR Code technology so you can utilize it for your brand.

What is a QR Code? A quick overview

While QR Code technology is complex, they're simple to understand. Holding digital data, a QR Code (or Quick Response Code) is a combination of lines and squares that people scan with their mobile devices.

When scanned, the code leads users to a specific link. This could be anywhere online, so a landing page or PDF menu, for example, or you can create a text QR Code that contains written information like a Wi-Fi password or a discount code.

QR codes can be placed on almost any digital or physical location, too, like a business card, poster, or website. You can also scan a QR Code from practically anywhere without the need for any physical hardware or a QR Code scanner.

Take a look at our other QR Code guides.

How to make a QR Code in minutes

Step 1 - It all starts by selecting 'Create QR Code'. This will lead you to the page you can see in the above image, then it's a case of choosing your QR Code Type.

Step 2 - As you can see, there's a field titled "URL", which is where you paste your destination link. You can also upload documents or images, as well as a plethora of other files if you don't have a specific web page you want to send people to.

Step 3 - Finally, customize your QR Code with unique colors, frames, sizes, and an image like your company logo. This is the stage before you hit download.

Once you've customized your code, you're finished! See? We told you it was simple.

To get started with your own QR codes, sign up for a free account.

If you know how to use a QR code, scanning it lets you:

  • See a restaurant menu or pay for your food.
  • Find out more information about a product, business, or service.
  • Download an app from the Apple App Store or Android's Google Play.
  • Open Google Maps with a location already pre-loaded.
  • Send or receive payments between friends or family.

And much, much more.

Top tips for designing a QR Code

Include a call to action

A call to action (CTA) sounds a little dramatic, but it's just a way of explaining where your QR Code leads. For example, if you're advertising an upcoming event, your call to action could say "buy tickets here". To take QR Code payments, your call to action could read "pay here". Don't go too complex and you'll get more scans from your codes.

Have fun with colors

QR codes are traditionally black and white, but you can customize them with our QR Code Generator. Choosing from a range of beautiful colors that best match your brand, be sure to explore your options and have some fun with your design.

Make sure it isn't too close to the place you're putting your code, however, or it might be tricky to scan.

Consider your QR Code size

QR codes are versatile and can be scanned at pretty much any size. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, you don't want to go any smaller than 2x2cm, otherwise, they may not be scannable. On the other end of the spectrum, your code can be as big as you want it to be.

Print your QR codes

Printing QR codes helps you connect the digital and physical worlds, which means capturing the attention of more people. Popular printing options include product packaging, posters, business cards, and pretty much any other print advertising material.

To get started on your QR Code journey, sign up for a free account.

Why make a QR Code?

Easy to make

As we've covered, QR codes are very easy to make. Every QR Code created could mean more customers for your business, and since they're so simple to create and even easier to scan, you're missing out on a world of opportunity if you don't consider QR codes for your brand.

Edit and track Dynamic QR Codes

With Dynamic QR Codes, not only can you change the link associated with your code after it's been created, but you can track data from each QR Code scan. This can include the time, date, and location of every scan, which can help you shape future campaigns.

In fact, you can shape current campaigns thanks to the ability to edit and change your QR Code link. However, be cautious if this is your approach and you've printed codes with specific CTAs that no longer match your new digital destination.

Discover more about QR Code editing.

Supercharge your marketing campaigns

Marketing is difficult in such a competitive digital marketplace. However, with a well-considered QR Code, you could maximize your output and see real-life results that benefit your organization.

From more trust in your brand to boosted recognition, clicks, and sales, a single QR Code could take your business to the next level.

Find more customers

Customers can be hard to come by, but by adding QR codes to your marketing campaigns, you can reach more people with your brand proposition. Giving you the ability to cross-promote from the physical to digital worlds, all mobile users need is a functioning camera app to access your code and content.

Incredibly versatile

Most people have an iPhone or Android phone with a recent operating system, which means that most people can scan a QR Code. When it comes to making them, there are lots of ways you can create a code that benefits you or your business.

For example, you can create an App Store QR Code to boost app downloads, a Dynamic QR Code that holds multiple links, a vCard QR Code to share contact details, and more.

Connect with your customers

As well as product issues or problems customers face, you can encourage them to speak to you and interact with people in your business with an Email QR Code.

CTAs can help explain which team or department the QR Code will relate to, and you can encourage brand participation that's quick, simple, and not off-putting. This makes your business feel more relatable and trustworthy, which, in turn, improves your brand image.

QR Code Dos and Don'ts

Do a few tests before printing QR codes

The QR Code scanning feature is versatile and effective, but there are a few ways that you can make scanning QR codes difficult for your customers. Make sure your link is accurate, for example, and that your QR Code color is contrasted enough to its physical location.

Also, don't make it too small, as we've discussed above.

Testing is particularly important if you've designed a Static or Permenant QR Code because you can't go back and make changes to your destination link after you've hit download. A Text QR Code with the wrong text or a URL link QR Code with the wrong link could lead to negative experiences for users and negative reviews for your business, so be careful.

Don't overthink your CTAs

When it comes to CTAs for your QR codes, keep things simple. Four words or less is ideal or you could bore people or put them off. A simple and to-the-point message will help provide adequate context and the likely result will be lots more scans.

Do creative things with your QR Code system

QR codes should never be boring, and whether it's taking QR Code payments or creating a vCard QR Code, have some fun and get creative in the design process. This not only helps your code stand out, but it helps you get more scans.

Don't worry about QR Code scanning

Any iPhone or Android phone can read QR codes, as long as they have a functioning camera app and in the case of Androids, run on software that's from or after 2018.

So, scanning a QR Code is possible with the vast majority of people in the country, and even a damaged QR Code can be read most of the time thanks to the data stored and how it functions.

What is a QR Code for? QR codes uses in different professions

Fitness studios and gyms

Share videos of your equipment or links to your YouTube channel from your physical location to encourage more interest in your brand.

Online videos featuring exercise routines from your trainers or information regarding classes are a great way to increase engagement on your YouTube account, and you can convert physical gym users to online customers via the power of print media like posters in your gym.


Posting the right content on Instagram can catapult your comic career, and you can encourage more clicks online with QR Codes generated specifically for "The Gram".

Promote yourself at live shows or comedy venues with a well-placed QR Code and enjoy lots of new traffic to your Instagram page. This, in turn, leads to more exposure, more gigs, and progression.

Healthcare professionals

A QR Code communicates information incredibly well, and doctors can use video and YouTube QR Codes to give patients details about medication or procedures. This helps them deal with any anxieties and questions they might have about the treatment you've recommended, which saves you time and puts their mind at ease.

Healthcare professionals can also provide general well-being information in the form of YouTube videos, with QR Codes placed in waiting rooms on materials like table tents or posters. This not only provides peace of mind to patients but gives them something to do while waiting to be seen.

The film and entertainment industry

A great way to promote an upcoming movie, a QR Code is a unique promotion tool used in the film industry to boost marketing efforts in a cost-efficient manner.

Those in this industry can also promote teaser trailers, promotional videos, and other video links to engage audiences in anticipation of a release, and you can also offer customers the chance to win free tickets and other discounts, all with a QR Code.

The structure of a standard QR Code

The structure of a legitimate QR Code looks a little something like this:

  • Hinder pattern: The three black squares in each corner of every QR Code design.
  • Alignment pattern: The small square found at the bottom right corner of a QR Code. The objective is to make sure that the QR Code can be scanned at any angle.
  • Timing pattern: The L-shaped line that identifies individual squares of the code. This helps scans even when there's damage to the code
  • Quiet zone: The border around the QR code which is usually blank or white.
  • Version information: A way to identify the version of the QR Code in question.
  • Data cells: The rest of the design of the code. The cells communicate the code data, i.e. the URL, PDF, or text the code is designed for.

Dynamic QR Codes vs Static QR Codes

A Dynamic QR Code is versatility encapsulated. It allows you to add multiple URL links, change the destination of your code, and track data associated with each scan. This makes Dynamic QR Codes invaluable to businesses using multiple codes for multiple campaigns or purposes, and you can use the statistics you uncover through analytics to mold future and current efforts.

Find out more about QR Code analytics.

A Static QR Code, on the other hand, is best for single-use campaigns or for sharing simple information that will never change. For these reasons, Static QR Codes are free to create and share, although there will be monthly limits on the amount of scans each code can receive.

You can't edit the data within a Static QR Code and you can't track its success or access key analytics, either, which makes them better for sharing one-time discount codes or Wi-Fi login details that aren't set to change.

Final thoughts

QR codes hold complex information if you need them to, or something as simple as a web address or other digital link. Because of their versatility, they can take your business to the next level.

Whether sending folks to a landing page from product packaging, using a business card for marketing campaigns as well as sharing details, or anything else, QR codes are incredibly powerful, easy to set up, and easy to implement for businesses and individuals alike.

To start your own QR Code journey, sign up for a free account.

QR Code FAQs

How do QR codes work?

QR codes contain digital information in the form of a scannable code. This can be scanned by a mobile device and users are taken to a specific digital location or provided with text-based information.

It's very easy to scan a QR Code; you don't even need a QR Code scanner other than the one built-in to your camera app on your mobile device.

Are QR codes helpful for marketing?

QR codes are built for marketing campaigns and can help propel your efforts into the stratosphere. There are lots of types of QR codes to choose from, each with its own benefits and features.

A URL QR Code, for example, is a brilliant way to gain more exposure online with specific landing pages, social media channels, and more, while a payment QR Code can streamline ordering systems in hospitality and accept almost any payment method from your customers. Then, there are SMS QR Codes, that allow your customers to contact your business with a pre-populated message.

What features make a QR Code unique?

Many features make QR Code technology unique. As opposed to traditional, two-dimensional code, also known as a barcode, you can store complex information and aren't limited by the length of the URL you're trying to advertise. You'll also find that QR codes are incredibly versatile and can be scanned by almost any device at almost any angle, and if they're damaged.

How to get QR Code scans

People scan QR codes all the time, but there are a few ways you can help them scan yours more often. From including a CTA (call to action) on your QR Code to adding interesting color schemes and customization, there are lots of options to choose from. You can also target specific demographics with different kinds of codes so you're more likely to reach your required demographic.

All in all, there are lots of ways to attract QR Code scans, which we've covered in detail on this page.

Can I scan QR codes on a desktop computer?

The only difference between scanning a QR Code on a mobile phone and a desktop computer is that with a desktop, you'll need to click save image on the code, rather than scanning it using a mobile phone's camera app.

You'll then need to save the code image and use Google Lens to scan it. Scans are usually carried out using Google Chrome or the Google Chrome App, and the process can be followed whether you're using a PC or Mac.

Can I scan a QR Code on an iPad?

Yes, you can scan QR codes on iPads, too. A similar scanning process applies to this as it does with desktop PCs, as you can download Google Lens and access downloaded QR codes with the Google Chrome app or browser. You can also use the iPad camera app to scan QR codes as you would with any mobile device.

Can I create a free QR Code?

Free QR codes are available with a QR Code Fusion free trial. With this, you can only create Static QR Codes, however. You also won't be able to access detailed analytics and your codes will be limited to 250 scans per month. We have a range of paid options that allow for more versatility, on the other hand, with plans starting at $6.99 per month.

Find out more about our QR Code plans.

What's the right size for a QR Code?

There's no right answer to this question, but you should make sure that your QR Code is at least 2x2cm in size. This means there's no doubt it'll be scannable by users and that it won't be a wasted effort to print or download multiple codes.