What is a QR Code for products and packaging?

A QR Code, also known as a quick response code, is a unique barcode generated by a computer. It links to digital content when scanned by a smartphone, and can be used to provide additional product information without compromising design space on your packaging.

This encourages trust and loyalty, and company QR codes on product packaging are an effective way to boost engagement and brand awareness. You can also use QR codes on your product packaging to provide discounts, loyalty program signups, access to your social media channels, and more.

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

How to create QR codes for your product packaging: Three simple steps

Creating a QR Code for product packaging is simple and can be achieved in a matter of minutes.


Add your Details

Add your Details: To create your QR Code, you’ll need a URL or any digital destination you want your QR code to send users to. Each QR Code type requires different information, but you can fill in the fields simply and quickly with QR Code Fusion.

Step 2

Customize your Design

Customize your Design: Customize your design by selecting a frame, choosing a color and adding your company logo. This helps to make your QR Code your own and more likely to be scanned.

Step 3

Our QR codes can be produced in any color, not just black and white. Before you click ‘Create QR Code’, consider the context (and your company branding), and work from there. You should also carry out checks to ensure your code can be scanned against the physical background it’s placed.

Benefits of a QR Code on products and packaging

Unlock brand engagement and elevate customer experiences with QR Codes on packaging

Bringing together the digital and physical worlds, QR codes can boost brand engagement across various touchpoints. Designed to offer customers insights into your business, how you operate, and what you provide, here are six reasons to incorporate QR codes into your product packaging

Easily update content and links

Dynamic QR Codes are versatile, allowing you to effortlessly update your QR Code link at any time.

This proves especially advantageous for product packaging, eliminating the need to reprint QR Code labels or packaging when updating information for your customers.

Increase app downloads

Enhance user experience with a seamless link directly from your product to your app using a QR Code.

This streamlined approach not only simplifies the process but also boosts app downloads, allowing customers instant access while using your product.

Add how to guides and other content

A QR Code can direct people to various resources related to your business, such as instructions on how to use your product, video content, or other valuable information.

This versatile tool benefits both your business and enhances your customer's experience by providing easy access to relevant resources.

Take QR Code payments

Selling something else? Easily accept payments through QR Codes directly from your website by printing a code on your product packaging.

It's a hassle-free way to streamline transactions and offer convenience to your customers.

Boost brand awareness

If you’d like to collect more customer feedback to improve your products, you can achieve this with a QR Code printed on packaging.

You can also link a QR code to social media channels and website pages to increase traffic and boost brand engagement.

Business Transparency

A QR code on your packaging can link to additional details about your products, nurturing trust and increasing brand awareness.

It's a simple yet effective way to provide customers with more information and enhance their experience with your brand.

Easily create Dynamic QR codes for your business

Get instant access to our custom branding, editing and evaluation features today!

How to use a QR Code for packaging

QR Code product information

Share information at the point of purchase

A QR Code for product packaging is a great way to connect with your audience when they’re interacting with your product. Adding a link to provide customer feedback, a website landing page, or your social media channel, for example, helps you make the most of this unique opportunity.

QR Code on products

Boost the visual design of your product

QR codes can also add to the visual appeal of your product, helping you modernize your branding. This is particularly true if you personalize your code with different colors, attractive placement, and an enticing CTA. However, don’t compromise your design elements with a QR Code that’s too large, as this may put people off rather than encourage them to scan.

When somebody scans your QR code, they'll be taken to a link of your choice. This is an opportunity for post-purchase engagement on your website or social media pages, where customers can see more of your products, leave customer feedback, and more.

Primary packaging is in direct contact with your product. This is often a wrapper, bottle, or something similar, and QR codes can contain more information about your company, links to your socials and website, feedback forms, and more.

Secondary product packaging is usually the container for the primary packaging. This is mostly used for delivering products to shops or to customers directly, but products may be displayed using secondary product packaging, too. QR codes can be used here for inventory management and to track shipments of your goods.

From a simple scan of your QR Code, you can effortlessly direct customers to coupons, discounts, and other deals you have available. You can even display a discount code using a QR Code on your product packaging.

Examples of QR codes on product packaging

How to use a QR code on product packaging

Let's explore how you could use your generated product packaging QR code:



Linking users directly to a PDF document, a PDF QR Code can be used to share information, guidance, brochures or forms with customers. Making it easy to access documents on-the-go, increase engagement and optimizes the use of marketing collateral.

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Social QR Code

Promote your wider social network by linking users to all of your social media accounts in one scan. The result? More followers, better customer retention, and the chance to keep customers informed and up to date regarding your products or services.

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A URL QR Code allows you to easily share various online content like campaign landing pages, business websites, videos, contact forms and payment pages. When scanned, it instantly opens the linked URL in the device's web browser, eliminating the need for manual typing.

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Examples of QR codes on product packaging across different industries

Here are a few examples of how a QR code on product packaging can be applied to everyday business operations.

QR Codes for food industry

Food Products

Add QR codes to food packaging to share more about your business or product line, enhancing post-purchase engagement and customer satisfaction. You can also use QR codes to provide product information like ingredients and business details.

QR Codes for gaming developers

Game Developers

Eager to generate consumer feedback about your game or software? Create a QR Code that links to a survey and you can collect important insights for your project. You can also collate customer information or create a video QR Code that sends customers to your latest video content.

QR Codes for electronic companies


How to guides are extremely helpful for customers buying electronic goods. Don't waste time with complex, paper-based instructions, create a video QR Code that takes your customers to a video guide and reap the rewards of higher engagement for your channel and brand.

QR Codes for retailers

Retail Products

You can use QR codes for your retail products to great effect. From increasing traffic to your website or social media accounts, a well-placed and well-designed QR Code on your product packaging can help you boost your brand awareness and your online sales.

Best practice guide for using QR Codes on product packaging

QR codes on your packaging can benefit your business in numerous ways. Explore our top tips to maximize the effectiveness of using QR codes on product packaging:

Add color to your QR Code design.

Using our QR Code Generator, you can customize your code in line with your branding, packaging, and more. Make it stand out so that it reflects your business and customers are more likely to engage.

Add color to your QR Code design

Make sure your QR Code can be easily scanned.

You can add color to your design, but it's important to contrast this with the location (i.e. your packaging) the code will be placed. If not, it may not be scannable.

Make sure your QR Code can be easily scanned.

Help your QR Code stand out.

Placement is crucial when it comes to QR codes, and you should ensure it's in a position that stands out, without being overbearing. QR Code Generators like ours help you customize your code to your standards, but placing it in the right spot on your packaging is key.

Run tests on your QR Code

Testing is the cornerstone of QR Code success. Start by making sure that everything is correct with the link you’re sharing, particularly if you’re designing Static QR Codes that can’t be edited. Also, make sure that your QR Code is large enough to be scanned so people can access the link you want them to.

TOP TIP: The minimum size for a QR Code is 2x2cm. Any smaller, and scanning may not be possible.

Run tests on your QR Code

FAQs for QR Code product packages

There are lots of reasons to generate a QR Code for your product packaging. From improving your marketing capabilities to providing more information about the benefits of your products and business to customers, a URL QR Code can change your business for the better.

You can also use QR codes for product launches, linking customers to waiting lists where you can gather contact information for future marketing campaigns.

Using QR codes is becoming more and more popular. In fact, over 89 million people in the USA scanned a QR Code in the last year alone. This boost in popularity has led to more QR codes being generated for businesses in all kinds of industries. It also means that customers have to come to accept and even expect QR Code technology in everyday life.

The short answer to this question is yes. Using QR codes for your marketing efforts is a great way to generate leads and increase brand awareness for your business.

You can collate information and key metrics of your consumer base or direct customers to a specific web page of your website, and there are lots of possibilities when you create a QR Code for your product packaging for marketing purposes.

All consumers need to do is scan the QR Code from their smartphone. Once customers scan the QR Code, they'll be directed to a link of your choice. It's really that simple, and the benefits are in abundance when you create a QR Code for your product packaging.

Codes can be printed on all kinds of physical items, from consumer packaged goods to flyers, QR codes to business cards, and more.

You can also use a QR Code as a menu, and they can be generated for magazine ads, posters, and all kinds of products and physical objects.

The technology is impressive, but with a QR Code Fusion Business Account, you can generate a product QR Code for free in minutes.

Unlike other QR Code generators online, we help you future-proof your business with no charge, whether you need a coupon QR Code, video QR Code, or any other form of QR Code technology.

Try our free QR Code generator today

Although they're simple in design, both static and Dynamic QR Codes are extremely versatile and powerful, and the possibilities for businesses are vast.

We give you the ability to create QR codes quickly and simply thanks to our QR Code Generator. Producing QR codes for your product packaging in minutes, we offer a range of customization options, too.