Managing QR Codes

If you upgraded your subscription but your QR Codes are still inactive even after the account update, there could be two possible reasons:

1. Cache Issue - Once you've upgraded, your account is updated instantly. However, this might not be immediately reflected in your account or when you scan your QR code with your smartphone due to cache issues. It can take up to an hour for the update to be fully visible. If the issue persists, try clearing your device's cache or waiting a little longer.

2. Upgraded the Wrong Account - If you have more than one account, you might have upgraded the wrong one. To check this, visit your account dashboard and look for your QR Codes, if they're missing or the upgrade isn't showing, you might have upgraded a different account. In this case, you can request a withdrawal for the incorrect upgrade and then upgrade the correct account. To request a withdrawal, simply contact our customer support team.

A scan limit refers to the maximum number of times a QR code can be scanned within a specific timeframe. Each of our plans comes with a different scan limit. If your QR codes hit their scan limit, you'll need to upgrade your account to a higher-tier plan.

To delete a QR code, click 'More' next to the code. From there, you'll find the option to delete the code. This will remove the QR code from your account or campaign.

To rename a QR code, click 'Edit' next to the code. Look for the 'Name' field and make your changes. After updating the name, click 'Update' to save your changes.

To pause a QR code, click 'Edit' next to the code. Look for the 'Status' field and select 'Inactive' from the options available. After updating the status, click 'Update' to save your changes.

To add a QR code to a specific campaign, click 'Edit' next to the desired campaign. Then click the 'Add QR Code' button at the top to start generating your code.

Alternatively, you can add a QR code from anywhere in your account by clicking the 'Add QR Code' button, then selecting the campaign you'd like to add the code to from the 'Select a Campaign' field.

Content editing

No, you can't edit a static QR code. Static codes are hardcoded with specific information at the time of creation, and the data they contain can't be changed. If you need to update or modify the information in a static code, you'd have to create a new QR code.

For more flexibility, consider using a dynamic QR code. Dynamic codes allow you to update the linked information or redirect users without changing the code itself. This can be useful for marketing campaigns, event details, or business contact information that might change over time.

Yes, you can edit a dynamic QR code. One of the key benefits of dynamic QR codes is their flexibility; you can change the underlying data, such as the URL, text, or other content, without generating a new QR code. This feature is particularly useful when you need to update information, redirect users to a new location, or correct errors without reprinting the QR code.

To edit a dynamic QR code, click on 'Edit' next to the code you would like to edit and make the necessary changes (e.g. update a URL, change text, or modify other settings). Your changes will be automatically saved.

The QR code itself stays the same, so users can continue to scan it, but they'll be directed to the updated content.

If you change the URL destination after publishing a dynamic QR code, the QR Code Stays the Same. The physical appearance of the QR code doesn't change. This means there's no need to reprint or redistribute the code if it's already been published. If you update the URL destination, anyone scanning the QR code will be redirected to the new URL. This happens instantly or shortly after the change is made.