Static vs Dynamic QR code

Static and dynamic QR codes differ in their ability to change content after creation and whether they offer tracking and analytics.

Static QR codes contain fixed content; once created, they always link to the same thing, such as a specific URL, text, or contact information. They're generally cheaper to produce but lack tracking capabilities, meaning you can't monitor who scans them or collect analytics data.

Dynamic QR codes, however, allow you to update the content even after printing. This flexibility is great for marketing campaigns or situations where information might change. Additionally, dynamic QR codes offer tracking features, letting you see when, where, and how often they're scanned.

More about how to make a permanent QR Code

More about how to my a Dynamic QR Code

If you're using our QR code generation service, you can check whether a QR code is static or dynamic in your account.

If your QR codes offer the ability to change the content or come with tracking and analytics, they're likely dynamic. If they're fixed and unchanging, they're probably static.

Creating static or dynamic QR codes is easy with QR Code Fusion. Our tool lets you generate both types of QR codes by simply choosing which type you want to create during the QR code generation process. Whether you need fixed, unchangeable static QR codes or dynamic QR codes that can be updated and tracked, QR Code Fusion makes it easy to get started. Just select the type of QR code you want, enter your content, and generate the code—it's that simple.

No, you cannot convert a static QR code into a dynamic one. This is because static QR codes contain fixed data, which can't be changed or updated once the code is created.