What is an Image QR Code?

Image icon Types of image QR Code displayed on a phone

An image QR code provides a dynamic solution for storing and showcasing image files in a sleek, user-friendly interface. It allows users to effortlessly view and save images by simply scanning the QR code with their smartphone device. You can create digital image galleries featuring multiple images and direct users to your portfolio or effectively showcase your products or services with a single scan. Use this class of QR Code on promotional materials, product packaging, or marketing collateral to provide a visual representation of your offerings.

Our dynamic image-to-QR code solution not only offers flexibility for editing or updating QR codes but also enables you to keep track of scan metrics and popular image views, providing valuable marketing insights. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or creator, our QR Code Image Creator is your tool for making a lasting impression.

Keep QR Code campaigns responsive and relevant.

Broken links, outdated information, mistakes, and typos destroy customer confidence. Dynamic QR Codes let you edit and update content as and when you need to.

How to create your own Image QR Codes

Ready to generate your own Image QR Code? Move from concept to creation fast. Follow these three simple steps:


Add your Details

Add your details by entering the link to your online image in the available URL field. Alternatively, if you are creating a Dynamic Image QR Code, upload the Image files using the upload tool provided.

Step 2

Customize your Design

Customize the design of your QR code with your preferred color scheme, logo, and a distinctive frame to enhance its visibility.

With a Dynamic Image QR code, you can also customize the appearance of the landing page where the images will be hosted. This helps you stand out, and by using colors that match your branding, you can enhance brand recognition and maintain consistency across your marketing efforts.

Step 3

Whilst you can create QR codes in any color, make sure they reflect your branding. You should also contrast colors with the physical location to ensure your QR Code can be scanned.

Try it out, and build your QR code!

Would you like to schedule this QR code?

Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg, .webp, .bmp



  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .pdf

Why should you use QR codes to share images?

Using a QR Code for pictures optimizes the potential of images on a number of different levels.

Images are an incredibly powerful form of communication. Processed by the brain far faster than text, they’re quick to generate interest and spark an immediate, emotional response from users.

When used to illustrate a concept or message, the information images deliver is retained for longer, which is why they’re so popular with marketers and why image-based social media platforms are so widespread.

No website needed

No website needed

If you’re a freelancer, small business, or sole trader, you might not have your own website in place to share your photos online.

Instead of transferring images online or showcasing them elsewhere, by using our image QR Code Generator, you can create a gallery of photos and convey them to customers simply and without stress.

Be seen and heard

Be seen and heard

How do you show off your fantastic imagery? Create an image gallery QR Code and display it on all of your promotional materials.

Whether it’s a flyer, business card, poster, or sticker, new or prospective clients can scan and view them on the spot.This leads to more eyes on your work and more interest in your business.

Keep quality high

Keep quality high

Optimizing images for the web keeps file sizes small and page load times fast, but it often affects the quality. Emailing images presents a similar challenge, because to share multiple images in one email, you need to reduce the size.

When using an Image QR Code, you don’t have to compromise. Instead, you can share graphics quickly and maintain quality.

Small input, big impact

Small input, big impact

By using our QR Code generator for pictures, you can create an image to QR Code in minutes. All you need is the photo or photos you want to share and a free account to upload your file or files.

Ready to be displayed on your choice of marketing collateral, you can start promoting your business straight away.

Make improvements

Make improvements

With a Dynamic QR Code, each scan is logged and data can be gathered to help you shape your marketing efforts and understand your audience.

With an upgraded account, you can also track your code using our QR Code Analytics Suite. You can then use this QR Code data to make improvements for future campaigns.

Make improvements

Make improvements

New website imagery keeps engagement high and makes your marketing strategy feel fresh and up-to-date. However, if you’re relying on printed collateral, updating content means costly, time-consuming print runs.

If your gallery is accessed using an image to QR Code, however, you can regularly add images without creating a new QR Code or reprinting marketing collateral.

Easily create Dynamic QR codes for your business

Get instant access to our custom branding, editing and evaluation features today!

Image to QR codes at work: industry examples

A simple but effective way of marketing, an image to QR code is one of the most popular and versatile types of QR codes. In fact, it’s hard to pinpoint an industry it doesn’t have a use case for, and as well as businesses, it’s an effective way to share photos on a personal level.

Featured placements for an Image QR code

Let's explore where you could promote your generated Image QR code:

Man holding business card

Business Card

Adding a QR Code to a business card means new contacts can scan and save your contact details directly into their mobile address book.

You can also share more detailed, unique information

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Flyers and mobile phone


Included on a flyer, a QR Code promotes interactivity by guiding potential customers from a printed product to an online resource. This increases a sense of ownership and interest, and allows you to provide extra information in a digital format that can convert

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Ditigal poster on billboard and phone


Designed to make an instant impact through visuals rather than text, posters aren’t content-rich. Using a QR Code on a poster, you can link to extra information that further explains your value proposition without compromising design space on

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Image to QR codes at work: industry examples

Here are some examples of QR codes for images in action:

QR Code for hospitality


There’s lots to consider when booking a hotel, Airbnb, or apartment, but how a venue looks and the facilities it offers are arguably the most important factors.

A gallery of images can convey all of this information, and by using a Dynamic QR Code, the information’s easy to access and can be updated when things change.

QR Code for food and drink outlets

Food and Drink

Whether it’s ordering a takeaway online or using an app, browsing the menu of a restaurant, or getting a feel for the layout and ambience of a dining room, images play a big part in the hospitality industry’s customer journey.

Using Image QR Codes, customers can see first-hand what different dishes look like and they can understand the vibe of the venue.

QR Codes for retailers


QR codes for images can be used in a variety of ways by retail outlets, when space is often at a premium.

They can capture a digital catalog, provide a graphic of the layout of a store and highlight zones or departments, all without compromising valuable shelf space.

QR Code for galleries


From paintings and sculptures to installations and graphics, art comes in a variety of forms.

With a QR Code for pictures, independent artists and commercial galleries can create and share a portfolio of work, whatever the medium. This helps them connect with their audience and encourage sales of their work.

How to optimize an Image QR Code

Man and woman talking and looking at a mobile phone together

Promote, promote, promote

QR codes are inherently versatile. They can be created and placed on all of the common marketing materials, from flyers, business cards and QR Codes for restaurant menus.

Maximize exposure of your Image QR Codes by displaying them far and wide. Budget permitting, you can offer a varied portfolio of promotional products that feature your Image QR Code.

PRO TIP: If your marketing strategy lacks insights about your customer personas, our Dynamic image to QR codes can be tracked and measured. This means you can test out different QR Code types and formats, evaluating the data to see which ones are most successful.

Woman working with images on her laptop

Consider a landing page

We’ve talked about the advantages of using a QR Code to display a photo gallery or image, but if you have a website and want to drive traffic to it, you can choose to link your QR Code to a gallery page on your website instead.

This directs users to a specific link they can benefit from, and helps you track the success of your code using Google Analytics from your website, too.

Your QR Code design goes hand-in-hand with your marketing strategy and promotional materials. To generate more interest and more scans, you need to make sure your QR Code stands out on whatever material it’s printed or displayed on.

Our QR Code creator for images has the tools you need to customize your QR Code so it stands out and syncs up with your branding.

Color picker

Barcodes are traditionally black and white, which means they’re relatively unassuming and tend to blend into the background of whatever product they’re displayed on. Purely functional and not intended for customer use, their appearance works well in this context, but a QR code is designed for a wider, more public audience.

As a result, it needs to work harder to attract the attention of new and existing customers, which is where color customization comes into play.

Created using our QR Code Generator, your Image QR Code can be any color you like. This allows you to marry it up with your brand or sync it up with the design of whatever product it’s appearing on. Whatever you do, however, make sure you remember to provide enough contrast for the machine reader to decode the information and for the code to be scanned.

Frame functionality

To help your QR Code mark out a clear space on your promotional material, give it some boundaries. With our QR Code Generator, you can do this by adding a unique frame to your QR Code.

When choosing a color for your frame, however, ensure it blends in with your chosen color palette, which provides a coherent and consistent user experience.

Logo upload

Your Image QR Code needs to do more than just linking users to your image gallery; it also needs to link those images to your brand. Before you sign-off on your QR Code online, you can upload your company logo which will appear in the middle of the QR Code.

As a result, everyone scanning it knows who you are and whose work they’re viewing.

Resize feature

“Does my QR Code look big in this?” The size of your custom QR codes matters, so, take time to ask yourself this question.

Too big and it will overshadow the rest of the content on your promotional material, too small and it won’t get noticed at all. In both cases, the QR Code will also be harder to scan using a machine-reader.

Using the resize feature in our QR Code platform, you can adjust the size so it’s easy to scan and in proportion.

PRO TIP: The minimum recommended printing size for a QR Code is 2 x 2 cm (about 0.8 x 0.8 inches) and there’s no maximum recommended size. Best practice, however, is to keep the ratio of QR Code to other content in proportion with the overall size of the product it’s appearing on.

Your QR Code may stand out visually (and appear on the right mix of promotional materials), but that’s not always enough to motivate someone to scan it. A lot of the time, it also needs some text to give it context and meaning.

Using our QR Code Generator, you can create a CTA and have it appear alongside your QR Code. This helps people understand what your code will send them to and will entice more people to scan it.

Producing a QR Code online using our QR Code creator is advisable, but before you go to print, there are a few quality control checks to carry out to make sure your code looks and functions as it should.

Not enough color contrast, a logo that’s too large, or not enough space around your QR Code can all stop a QR Code scanner or QR Code reader from being able to decipher the data and scan.

To avoid this, run the following checks:

  • Readability. Can it be read by different types of mobile devices? Test with different smartphones to make sure.
  • Functionality. Does the link work and display the right content and images? Scan it yourself and find out.
  • Precision. Is the content accurate and error-free? A massive turnoff for scanners and a surefire way to lose the trust of your customers. Make sure everything is accurate before you commit to downloading.

Missed a typo? No problem. Our Dynamic QR code generator can be updated anytime, even after they’ve been published.

Image QR Code FAQs

It’s extremely simple with QR Code Fusion. To create an image gallery QR Code or make a QR Code for an image, you simply upload the image file or files, and let our Image QR Code Generator do the rest.

QR codes for images work with image file formats by opening up an image or a gallery when the QR Code is scanned by a smartphone camera.

As part of a QR Code campaign, a QR code for images allows businesses of all types to market themselves, their services, products, and people. This is achieved by sharing visual content that demonstrates their unique value proposition, all with one quick scan of a QR Code.

Anyone can create an Image QR Code. All that’s needed is an image and access to the internet (where you can access our online QR Code Generator software).

No. If you have multiple images you can use one QR Code. Image gallery QR Code content also only requires a single QR Code.

The two phrases mean the same thing. They're online platforms that can be used to produce QR Code solutions.