QR Code samples - a guide to QR Code examples and ideas

QR Code samples - a guide to QR Code examples and ideas

A QR Code, also known as a Quick Response Code, is a two-dimensional code created in the 1990s by Denso Wave, a Japanese company.

They were designed to label automobile parts without having to manually enter the information, AKA, inventory management, and while the beginnings were humble, the data types you can now access with a QR Code are incredibly vast.

When it comes to their appearance, QR codes might all look the same at a glance, however, they have subtle differences that help set them apart from one another.

In this guide, we'll provide a range of QR Code marketing examples, explore the importance of QR Code testing, and offer some benefits of using QR Codes for individual and commercial purposes.

What are QR Codes?

A QR Code stores information that can be accessed when a customer scans it. This information may be text-based, but it's generally a link to a digital destination like a website, social media page, or app download.

Easy to generate and even easier to scan, there are two major kinds of QR codes to choose from.

Static QR Codes

A Static QR Code generator contains digital or text-based information but they can't be edited or changed after they've been created. You also can't track data associated with Static QR Codes, which is why it's so important to test your Static Codes before generating them.

Carry out a prototyping phase where you run various test scans from different devices to avoid wasted costs and time. This is particularly important if you're printing your codes onto physical materials or product packaging.

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR Codes are more versatile than their static counterparts, primarily because you can edit the destination URL of your code as often as you'd like. This gives you more versatility and means you can use the same code for multiple campaigns or purposes.

You can also access a wide range of tracking data and advanced analytics to give you valuable information about your audience and their behaviors towards your codes. Allowing customers to access information about your company in the form of online content, Dynamic QR Codes are usually the preferred option for businesses and marketers.

Use our Dynamic QR Code Generator.

How to make a QR Code

Making a QR Code is as simple as counting to three.

Step 1 - Hit 'Create QR Code' and select your 'QR Code Type'.

Step 2 - Choose your digital destination, then copy and paste it into the 'URL' field.

Step 3 - QR Code branding time. Add colors, frames, different sizes, and your brand logo to help your two-dimensional code stand out.

PRO TIP: QR Code testing will help you catch any errors before you unleash your code into the world.

QR Code examples

Customer engagement is a breeze with the right QR Code. But what do the different kinds of QR codes look like? Take a look at the attached images and see for yourself.

QR Code Samples

Take a look at our QR Code Maker to get started.

QR Code structure

The structure of a standard QR Code follows this format:

  • Alignment pattern: This refers to the small square at the bottom right corner of the code. This ensures it can be scanned, regardless of the angle.
  • Timing pattern: This is the L-shaped line that identifies individual squares within the QR Code. The reason for QR robustness, this helps scans become possible even when the code itself has been damaged.
  • Hinder pattern: This indicates the three squares in every corner of a QR Code.
  • Quiet zone: The quiet zone refers to the border around a code. In terms of appearance, the quiet zone is usually blank or white.
  • Version information: This is a way to identify the version of the QR Code.
  • Data cells: This accounts for the remainder of the QR Code image. The cells communicate the code data like a website page, URL, or app download.

What QR Code types can you create?

Every QR Code campaign is different, which is handy because there are lots of different types of QR codes available. Take a look at the various options you have to choose from and find something that works for you.

However, it's important to note that while the choices are plentiful, never underestimate the importance of online QR Code testing.

vCard QR Code

vCard sample

vCard QR Codes are great for business owners and marketers. You can share contact details quickly and innovatively to take your networking to the next level with a great way to get a conversation started. This interest can then be converted into leads and ultimately, new clients.

Not quite ready for virtual cards? You can also share your contact details in an interesting way with a QR Code Business Card.

Social Media QR Code

Social Media QR Code sample

Digital marketing can be difficult to get right, but social media is a totally different kettle of fish, and competitive is putting it lightly.

Social Media QR Codes are excellent marketing tools and can help you advertise your different social media pages to your customers. You might want to add Social Media QR Codes to print ads, for example, which will show your social pages on a user's device, wherever they physically are.

You can create codes for TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and practically any other social media platform, depending on which platforms you prefer.

Plain Text to QR Code

Plain Text QR Code sample

A Text QR Code displays text-based information instead of a link to a digital destination, URL, website page, or PDF document. This is particularly helpful for promotional campaigns or discount codes, which you can display on a specific user's device.

Once again, however, QR Code testing is crucial with a Text QR Code, as you don't want to provide the wrong information to your customers.

Find out more about Plain Text QR Codes.

Email QR Code

Email QR Code sample

Communication is paramount in business, so it's a smart move to make sure your customers can speak with somebody inside your organization as easily as possible. An Email QR Code helps you achieve this and more and is a mainstay in QR Code marketing.

Dynamic QR Code

Dynamic QR Codes are great for marketing campaigns for a range of reasons. Not only can you edit them, but you can track crucial data associated with each scan. This can include the mobile device used to carry out the scan, the location and time of the scan, and more.

This kind of data is invaluable to marketers and helps you shape future and current campaigns, which isn't achievable with Static QR Codes.


SMS QR Code sample

An SMS QR Code works in a similar way to an Email QR Code in that it helps you break down barriers between you and your customers. Encouraging communication in the form of an SMS text, you can approach this form of QR Code technology in a number of ways.

First, you can try a pre-populated text message with details about a promotion or discount, for example. Alternatively, you can leave the text message blank for the user to fill in themselves, with just your phone number filled in so they can contact you simply.

Whatever you choose, there's lots of potential to get creative with an SMS QR Code.

Video QR Codes

Video QR Code sample

Videos are up there with the most creative form of artistic QR codes. Ideal for musicians, comedians, and businesses looking to share the breadth of their creative endeavors, you can make a huge impact with visual content online.

And one of the best ways to advertise this content and make sure it reaches as many people as possible? With a Video QR Code. Enabling you to cross-promote your videos from multiple different touchpoints, they're a fantastic way to boost those all-important views.

Wi-Fi QR Codes

Wi-fi QR Code sample

Wi-Fi QR Codes are easily scanned, and offer you the chance to reduce the headache of constantly telling people your Wi-Fi login details. Instead, you can just point them in the direction of your Wi-Fi QR Code and they'll be given the code or automatically logged into your network.

Great for individual use or those in the hospitality industry.

PDF QR Codes

PDF QR Code sample

PDF QR codes are versatility encapsulated and offer the potential for lots of different purposes. Great for sharing digital posters or information about your products or service is one thing, but restaurants and cafes also regularly use PDF QR Codes to show off their menus.

Not only does a Menu QR Code provide an instant way for customers to see what kind of dishes you offer, but it also helps streamline your operation and reduce workload for your staff. Instead of constantly revisiting tables which takes time and effort, customers can order from the comfort of their seats on arrival. They can even pay using QR Codes, too, which we'll come onto next.

Payment QR Codes

Payment QR Code sample

Perfect for retail stores, hospitality businesses, and more, Payment QR Codes are fantastic for a range of commercial purposes. Removing the need for bulky, cumbersome payment readers, a QR Code streamlines payment processes for you and your customers and helps you show yourself as forward-thinking to your consumers.

Crypto QR Codes

Crypto QR Code sample

Cryptocurrency is easily accessible with a Crypto QR Code. Helping you access funds in your Crypto wallet and trade successfully, a Crypto QR Code is an up-and-coming QR Code type and one that's only increasing in popularity in today's digital world.

App Store QR Codes

App Store QR Code sample

Hoping to achieve more app downloads? You can direct users to the major leading app stores, Apple App Store and Google Play, so they can access your business app and download it with ease.

Promoting your app across digital and physical platforms is highly recommended, on print packaging or posters, for example, and can help you generate more downloads for your apps from different strata of your target audience.

Static QR Codes

Static QR Codes are perfect for one-time campaigns or individual use. You can share digital links and PDF documents like any other QR Code, but they're used more for text-based information or info that won't change.

Why? Because you can't edit the link of a Static QR Code after it's been created like you can with Dynamic QR Codes.

WhatsApp QR Codes

Whatsapp QR Code sample

A WhatsApp QR Code puts you in to contact with your customers instantly. Linking from a code to the app or to WhatsApp Web, you can open a line of communication with whoever you like after the simple scan of a code.

This helps build trust in your business and means you can answer questions customers might have about your products or service, which could lead them to make a purchase.

URL QR Codes

URL QR Code sample

The most popular form of QR Code, URL QR Codes are used in digital marketing to great effect. Whether you're linking to key landing pages, your main website homepage, or anywhere else in the digital world, a QR Code is a great way to spread the word about your online content.

QR Code benefits

With examples of QR codes covered, let's take a look at some of the many benefits of this exciting technology.

No QR Code scanner needed

There's no need for physical, expensive, QR Code scanners, which is the case for traditional barcodes. Instead, any modern mobile device can scan a QR Code, regardless of the type of code it is.

So, your customers can scan QR codes with ease by simply pointing their phone camera at the code in question.

Edit and update your code

With a Dynamic QR Code, you can update your link as often as you like without having to generate a new code. Your link can be changed at any time, even if your customers scan the QR Code or have scanned it in the past.

This gives great versatility and lets you get creative with your QR Code. It also gives you more leeway when it comes to mistakes and typos made within your link, as you can swiftly update it without any major disruption.

Quick and easy to use

A QR Code scan takes seconds with pretty much any mobile phone, with no need for a QR Code scanner. This makes it very easy to use QR codes, which is probably one of the reasons they've become so popular in the USA and beyond.

Perfect for virtual stores, retail stores, restaurants, digital businesses, and everything in between, a simple scan is all it takes to access the information you'd like to share with a captive, relevant audience.

Only those with Android phones running on software from or before 2018 will need to download a specific QR scanner app.

Bring your marketing to life

QR Code marketing is a brilliant way to add another dimension to your marketing campaigns. Whether it's an online version, a printed QR Code for product packaging, or something else entirely, even a regular QR Code can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

With detailed analytics, effective targeting, and a massive range of options to choose from with multiple QR Code design ideas, you can boost your digital presence and make an impact on your target audience.

Connect to your audience

When you use QR codes as a business, you can communicate more effectively with your customers. This helps to build trust in your organization which is crucial in a modern world. It also helps you show that you know what you're talking about, which makes customers more likely to use your service or buy your product.

Final thoughts

QR Code marketing is a great way to give your business an edge in a competitive world. Hopefully, thanks to the QR Code examples we've provided, you'll have no trouble getting started with your own QR Code campaign.

However, we can't stress enough the importance of QR Code testing before committing to any QR Code download. With all the information you need now in hand, it's time to start generating QR Codes.

QR Code FAQs

Can QR codes have different shapes?

QR codes are always square or rectangular in design. The design within the code itself will differ. from code to code, but the overall shape will always be one of these two options, regardless of the data type held within.

How do I know what kind of QR Code I'm scanning?

There are technical ways to discover the QR Code model you're scanning, but the easiest way is by scanning it. Once you've scanned the code, you'll see what information it provides which will tell you the type of QR Code you're dealing with.

For example, a Social Media QR Code will take you to one or more social media platforms, whereas QR Code Menus will take you to a digital PDF document containing a restaurant or cafe menu.

Can I customize my QR Codes?

Customization of your code can be completed with Dynamic QR Codes, but not with Static QR Codes. This is great for QR Code menus, for example, where things might change, as well as various other QR Code examples.

Do you need a scanner to scan QR Codes?

Nope! The only thing you need is a mobile device with a functioning camera app. If you're on iPhone, any phone works, but any Android device made running on software from 2018 or below will require a QR Code scanner app.

Check out our recent blog post about our top QR scanner tips.

Are QR codes a level above barcodes?

As well as not requiring barcode scanners, a single QR Code can hold up to 7,089 characters compared to the 85 characters a traditional, one-dimensional barcode can contain.

This, as well as the fact that they can be scanned by more people, on more objects, and from multiple angles, make them the next evolutionary step of barcodes.

Can I generate a QR Code to use online?

QR codes are often found in the physical world, but they can also be saved digitally and used through a screen. Scanning from virtual stores as well as physical ones, users can access your QR Code data if they have a modern mobile device with a functioning camera.

Is QR Code testing important?

QR Code testing is incredibly important, particularly if you're generating Static QR Codes that can't be altered after they've been created. To keep trust in your business high, you'll want to ensure that your QR Code is scannable and that the information contained within it is correct.

To achieve this, you should definitely carry out QR testing.

What are QR Code Generators?

QR Code Generators are websites that allow you to create your own QR Code. A Quick Response Code is easily created with the right QR Code Generator, which is where we step in. The best QR Code Generator around, make your own QR codes today with QR Code Fusion.