Tracking QR Codes

Dynamic QR codes collect key data about user interactions, helping you understand when and where your codes are scanned. They can track the location and time of scans, providing insights into trends and geographic patterns.

These QR codes also record device details, like the operating system or browser, allowing you to tailor content for different platforms. They also count the total number of scans and show if the same code is scanned by different users.

Learn more about Tracking a QR Code.

No, static QR codes do not have tracking capabilities. Once created, a static QR code contains fixed information and lacks the infrastructure needed to collect analytics like scan counts, location, or other user data. If you need to track scans or gather analytics, you'll need to use dynamic QR codes.

Yes, our free trial includes access to all features, including tracking and data analytics, allowing you to explore the full capabilities of the service before committing to a paid plan.

Yes, you can reset the scan count of your QR codes. To do this, go to the 'More' menu in the campaign management section and click the 'Reset' button for the relevant QR code. Alternatively, you can go to the analytics page and use the 'Reset Tracking' button to reset the scan count.

Anyone with a smartphone or QR code scanner can access your QR codes. Be mindful of where you place or share them to ensure they reach the intended audience. If you want to limit access, consider distributing them in private settings or using security features like passwords or expiration dates.

Yes, you can download and share scan statistics, such as the number of scans, the location of scans, the time and date of each scan, and other useful data.

To boost conversions with dynamic QR codes, analyze when and where they're scanned, and which devices are used. This data helps tailor your marketing to suit audience behavior. Optimize content and placement by focusing on what drives the most engagement, like social media over email. Segment your audience to create targeted campaigns that resonate with different groups, leading to higher conversions.

Use A/B testing to experiment with various QR code designs and placements. Define clear conversion goals and track progress with analytics. Real-time insights allow you to adjust marketing strategies on the fly, enhancing campaign effectiveness and driving better conversion rates.